Copyright © 2006-2007 by the Authors. This document is available under the W3C Document License. See the W3C Intellectual Rights Notice and Legal Disclaimers for additional information.
OWL 1.1 extends the W3C OWL Web Ontology Language with a small but useful set of features that have been requested by users, for which effective reasoning algorithms are now available, and that OWL tool developers are willing to support. The new features include extra syntactic sugar, additional property and qualified cardinality constructors, extended datatype support, simple metamodeling, and extended annotations. This document provides a model-theoretic semantics for OWL 1.1.
This is an editor's draft, for comment by the OWL community.
This document is an evolution of the OWL 1.1 Web Ontology Language: Model-Theoretic Semantics document that forms part of the OWL 1.1 Web Ontology Language W3C Member Submission. Comments are welcome. Please send feedback to, which has a public archive. Bug reports can be directed there. Please check the issues list first.
This document defines the formal semantics of OWL 1.1. The semantics given here follows the principles for defining the semantics of description logics [Description Logics] and is compatible with the description logic SROIQ presented in [SROIQ]. Unfortunately, the definition of SROIQ given in [SROIQ] does not provide for datatypes and metamodeling. Therefore, the semantics of OWL 1.1 is defined in a direct model-theoretic way, by interpreting the constructs of the functional-style syntax from [OWL 1.1 Specification]. For the constructs available in SROIQ, the semantics of SROIQ trivially corresponds to the one defined in this document.
OWL 1.1 does not have an RDF-compatible semantics. Ontologies expressed in OWL RDF are given semantics by converting then into the functional-style syntax and interpreting the result as specified in this document.
OWL 1.1 allows for annotations of ontologies and ontology axioms. Annotations, however, have no semantic meaning in OWL 1.1 and are ignored in this document.
Since OWL 1.1 is an extension of OWL DL, this document also provides a formal semantics for OWL Lite and OWL DL and it is equivalent to the definition given in [OWL Abstract Syntax and Semantics].
A vocabulary (or signature) V = ( NC , NPo , NPd , NI , ND , NV ) is a 6-tuple where
Since OWL 1.1 allows punning [Metamodeling] in the signature, we do not require the sets NC , NPo , NPd , NI , ND , and NV to be pair-wise disjoint. Thus, the same name can be used in an ontology to denote a class, a datatype, a property (object or data), an individual, and a constant. The set ND is defined as it is because a datatype is defined by its name and the arity, and such a definition allows one to reuse the same name with different arities.
The semantics of OWL 1.1 is defined with respect to a concrete domain, which is a tuple D = ( ΔD , .D ) where
The set of datatypes ND in each OWL 1.1 vocabulary must include a unary datatype rdfs:Literal interpreted as ΔD; furthermore, it must also include the following unary datatypes: xsd:string, xsd:boolean, xsd:decimal, xsd:float, xsd:double, xsd:dateTime, xsd:time, xsd:date, xsd:gYearMonth, xsd:gYear, xsd:gMonthDay, xsd:gDay, xsd:gMonth, xsd:hexBinary, xsd:base64Binary, xsd:anyURI, xsd:normalizedString, xsd:token, xsd:language, xsd:NMTOKEN, xsd:Name, xsd:NCName, xsd:integer, xsd:nonPositiveInteger, xsd:negativeInteger, xsd:long, xsd:int, xsd:short, xsd:byte, xsd:nonNegativeInteger, xsd:unsignedLong, xsd:unsignedInt, xsd:unsignedShort, xsd:unsignedByte, and xsd:positiveInteger. These datatypes, as well as the well-formed constants from NV, are interpreted as specified in [XML Schema Datatypes].
The set ΔD is a fixed set that must be large enough; that is, it must contain the extension of each datatype from ND and, apart from that, an infinite number of other objects. Such a definition is ambiguous, as it does not uniquely single out a particular set ΔD; however, the choice of the actual set is not actually relevant for the definition of the semantics, as long as it contains the interpretations of all datatypes that one can "reasonably think of." This allows the implementations to support datatypes other than the ones mentioned in the previous paragraphs without affecting the semantics.
Given a vocabulary V and a concrete domain D, an interpretation I = ( ΔI , .Ic , .Ipo , .Ipd , .Ii ) is a 5-tuple where
We extend the object interpretation function .Ipo to object property expressions as shown in Table 1.
Property | Interpretation |
InverseObjectProperty(R) | { ( x , y ) | ( y , x ) ∈ RIpo } |
We extend the interpretation function .D to data ranges as shown in Table 2.
Data Range | Interpretation |
DataOneOf(v1 ... vn) | { v1D , ... , vnD } |
DataComplementOf(DR) | ( ΔD )n \ DRD where n is the arity of DR |
DatatypeRestriction(DR f v) | the n-ary relation over ΔD obtained by applying the facet f with value v to the data range DR as specified in [XML Schema Datatypes] |
We extend the class interpretation function .Ic to classes as shown in Table 3. With #S we denote the number of elements in a set S.
Class | Interpretation |
owl:Thing | ΔI |
owl:Nothing | empty set |
ObjectComplementOf(C) | ΔI \ CIc |
ObjectIntersectionOf(C1 ... Cn) | C1Ic ∩ ... ∩ CnIc |
ObjectUnionOf(C1 ... Cn) | C1Ic ∪ ... ∪ CnIc |
ObjectOneOf(a1 ... an) | { a1Ii , ... , anIi } |
ObjectSomeValuesFrom(R C) | { x | ∃ y : ( x, y ) ∈ RIpo and y ∈ CIc } |
ObjectAllValuesFrom(R C) | { x | ∀ y : ( x, y ) ∈ RIpo implies y ∈ CIc } |
ObjectHasValue(R a) | { x | ( x, aIi ) ∈ RIpo } |
ObjectExistsSelf(R) | { x | ( x, x ) ∈ RIpo } |
ObjectMinCardinality(n R C) | { x | #{ y | ( x, y ) ∈ RIpo and y ∈ CIc } ≥ n } |
ObjectMaxCardinality(n R C) | { x | #{ y | ( x, y ) ∈ RIpo and y ∈ CIc } ≤ n } |
ObjectExactCardinality(n R C) | { x | #{ y | ( x, y ) ∈ RIpo and y ∈ CIc } = n } |
DatatSomeValuesFrom(U1 ... Un DR) | { x | ∃ y1, ..., yn : ( x, yk ) ∈ UkIpd for each 1 ≤ k ≤ n and ( y1, ..., yn ) ∈ DRD } |
DatatAllValuesFrom(U1 ... Un DR) | { x | ∀ y1, ..., yn : ( x, yk ) ∈ UkIpd for each 1 ≤ k ≤ n implies ( y1, ..., yn ) ∈ DRD } |
DataHasValue(U v) | { x | ( x, vD ) ∈ UIpd } |
DataMinCardinality(n U DR) | { x | #{ y | ( x, y ) ∈ UIpd and y ∈ DRD } ≥ n } |
DataMaxnCardinality(n U DR) | { x | #{ y | ( x, y ) ∈ UIpd and y ∈ DRD } ≤ n } |
DataExactCardinality(n U DR) | { x | #{ y | ( x, y ) ∈ UIpd and y ∈ DRD } = n } |
Satisfaction of OWL 1.1 axioms in an interpretation I is defined as shown in Table 4. With o we denote the composition of binary relations.
Axiom | Condition |
SubClassOf(C D) | CIc ⊆ DIc |
EquivalentClasses(C1 ... Cn) | CjIc = CkIc for each 1 ≤ j , k ≤ n |
DisjointClasses(C1 ... Cn) | CjIc ∩ CkIc is empty for each 1 ≤ j , k ≤ n and j ≠ k |
DisjointUnion(A C1 ... Cn) | AIc = C1Ic ∪ ... ∪ CnIc and CjIc ∩ CkIc is empty for each 1 ≤ j , k ≤ n and j ≠ k |
SubObjectPropertyOf(R S) | RIpo ⊆ SIpo |
SubObjectPropertyOf(SubObjectPropertyChain(R1 ... Rn) S) | R1Ipo o ... o RnIpo ⊆ SIpo |
EquivalentObjectProperties(R1 ... Rn) | RjIpo = RkIpo for each 1 ≤ j , k ≤ n |
DisjointObjectProperties(R1 ... Rn) | RjIpo ∩ RkIpo is empty for each 1 ≤ j , k ≤ n and j ≠ k |
ObjectPropertyDomain(R C) | { x | ∃ y : (x , y ) ∈ RIpo } ⊆ CIc |
ObjectPropertyRange(R C) | { y | ∃ x : (x , y ) ∈ RIpo } ⊆ CIc |
InverseObjectProperties(R S) | RIpo = { ( x , y ) | ( y , x ) ∈ SIpo } |
FunctionalObjectProperty(R) | ( x , y1 ) ∈ RIpo and ( x , y2 ) ∈ RIpo imply y1 = y2 |
InverseFunctionalObjectProperty(R) | ( x1 , y ) ∈ RIpo and ( x2 , y ) ∈ RIpo imply x1 = x2 |
ReflexiveObjectProperty(R) | x ∈ ΔI implies ( x , x ) ∈ RIpo |
IrreflexiveObjectProperty(R) | x ∈ ΔI implies ( x , x ) is not in RIpo |
SymmetricObjectProperty(R) | ( x , y ) ∈ RIpo implies ( y , x ) ∈ RIpo |
AntisymmetricObjectProperty(R) | ( x , y ) ∈ RIpo implies ( y , x ) is not in RIpo |
TransitiveObjectProperty(R) | RIpo o RIpo ⊆ RIpo |
SubDataPropertyOf(U V) | UIpd ⊆ VIpd |
EquivalentDataProperties(U1 ... Un) | UjIpd = UkIpd for each 1 ≤ j , k ≤ n |
DisjointDataProperties(U1 ... Un) | UjIpd ∩ UkIpd is empty for each 1 ≤ j , k ≤ n and j ≠ k |
DataPropertyDomain(U C) | { x | ∃ y : (x , y ) ∈ UIpd } ⊆ CIc |
DataPropertyRange(U DR) | { y | ∃ x : (x , y ) ∈ UIpd } ⊆ DRD |
FunctionalDataProperty(U) | ( x , y1 ) ∈ UIpd and ( x , y2 ) ∈ UIpd imply y1 = y2 |
SameIndividual(a1 ... an) | ajIi = akIi for each 1 ≤ j , k ≤ n |
DifferentIndividuals(a1 ... an) | ajIi ≠ akIi for each 1 ≤ j , k ≤ n and j ≠ k |
ClassAssertion(a C) | aIi ∈ CIc |
ObjectPropertyAssertion(R a b) | ( aIi , bIi ) ∈ RIpo |
NegativeObjectPropertyAssertion(R a b) | ( aIi , bIi ) is not in RIpo |
DataPropertyAssertion(U a v) | ( aIi , vD ) ∈ UIpd |
NegativeDataPropertyAssertion(U a v) | ( aIi , vD ) is not in UIpd |
Let O be an OWL 1.1 ontology with vocabulary V. O is consistent if an interpretation I exists that satisfies all the axioms of the axiom closure of O (the axiom closure of O is defined in [OWL 1.1 Specification]); such I is then called a model of O. A class C is satisfiable w.r.t. O if there is a model I of O such that CIc is not empty. O entails an OWL 1.1 ontology O' with vocabulary V if every model of O is also a model of O'; furthermore, O and O' are equivalent if O entails O' and O' entails O.