November 10
November 11
OWL Syntax
- M.Horridge, N.Drummond, J.Goodwin. A.Rector, R.Stevens and
H.Wan. The Manchester OWL Syntax
- S.Bechofer, T.Liebig, M.Luther, O.Noppens,P.F.
Patel-Schneider, B.Suntisrivaraporn, A. Turhan and T. Weithoener. DIG
2.0: Towards a flexible Interface for Description Logic Reasoners.
- B. Motik and I. Horrocks. Problems with OWL Syntax
- P.A. Fadhil and V. Haarslev. GLOO: A Graphical
Query Language for OWL Ontologies
- C. Lutz. Reasoning Techniques for Ontology Design
- C. Halashek-Wiener and Y. Katz. Belief Base Revision for
Expressive Description Logics
- C. Elsenbroich, O. Kutz and U. Sattler. A Case for
Abductive Reasoning over Ontologies
- V. Kolovski, B. Parsia and Y. Katz. Implementing OWL
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
Life Science
- A. Mechouche, C. Golbreich and B. Gibaud. Towards a Hybrid
System for Brain MRI Descriptions
- A. Ruttenberg, J. Rees and J. Zucker. A Semantic Critique
of BioPAX
- P. Anita, C. Liang, B. Lauser and M. Sini. From AGROVOC to
the Agricultural Ontology Service/ Concept Server: An OWL Model for
Creating Ontologies in the Agricultural Domain
- R. Stevens, P. Lord and A. Gibson. Something Nasty in the
Woodshed: the Public Domain Model.
- N. Drummond, A. Rector, R. Stevens, G. Moulton, M.
Horridge, H. Wang and J. Seidenberg. Putting OWL in Order: Patters for
Sequences in OWL
Applications in
Science, Geography and Industry
- D. McGuiness and P. Fox. Semantically-enabled Visual
- Y. Gil, J. Kim, V. Ratnakar, E. Deelman. Wings for Pegasus:
A Semantic Approach for Creating Very Large Scientific Workflows
- C. Dolbear, G. Hart and J. Goodwin. What OWL has done for
Geography and why we Don't Need it for Map Reading
- A. Kershenbaum, A. Fokoue, C. Patel, C. Welty, E.
Schonberg, J. Cimino, L. Ma, K. Srinivas, R. Schloss, and J. William
Murdock. A View of OWL from the Field: Use-cases and Experiences
- R. Hoekstra, J. Liem, B. Bredewerg and J. Breuker.
Requirements for Representing Situations.
OWL 1.1 and
- M. Horridge and D. Tsarkov. Supporting Early Adoption of
OWL 1.1 with Protege-OWL and FaCT++
- M. Kroetzsch, S. Rudolph and P. Hitzler. On the
Complexity of Horn Description Logics
- D. Calvanese, G. de Giacomo, D. Lembo, M. Lenzerini, A.
Poggi and R. Rosati. Linking Data to Ontologies: The Description Logic
- J. Bao and V. Honavar. Adapt OWL as a Modular
Ontology Language
Evaluation and
- M. Dzbor, E. Motta, C. Buil, J.M Gomez, O. Goerlitz and H.
Lewen. Developing Ontologies in OWL: An Observational Study.
- V. Chaudhri, B. Jarrold and J. Pacheco. Exporting Knowledge
Bases into OWL
- Q. Lu, V. Haarslev. OntoKBEval: DL-based Evaluation of
- R. Garcia-Castro, A. Gomez-Perez and S. David. Defining a
Benchmark Suite for Evaluating the Import of OWL Lite Ontologies
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
Ongoing and
Standarization Efforts
- B. Cuenca Grau, I. Horrocks, B.
Parsia, P. Patel-Schneider
and U. Sattler. Next Steps for OWL
- Report on the SPARQL query
language (by B. Parsia and K. Clark.)
- Report on the RIF Working Group
and extending OWL with rules.
- Open Discussion on Future
Standarization Efforts
Business Meeting and Closing
Tool Demos,
Poster Session and
Buffet Dinner
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