OWLED 2007

OWLED 2007

OWL: Experiences and Directions Third International Workshop
6-7 June 2007
Innsbruck, Austria



The objective is to have an open and exciting discussion involving both panellists and audience. To start the discussion, the moderator will put to the panel a short list of questions on "hot topics" (see below). Each panellist will then have a few minutes/slides (maximum 3 minutes/3slides) to summarise his/her response to the questions and/or view on the topics (please note that, in order to ensure that there is ample time for discussion, the moderator will strictly enforce the 3 minute/slide limit). There will follow an open discussion in which both members of the panel and the audience will be invited to join the discussion and/or put further questions to the panel.

Panel 1: SPARQL, Rules and OWL ?

Moderator: Peter Patel Schneider

  1. Sandro Hawke (W3C)
  2. Maryann Martone (BIRN Ontology Task Force)
  3. Boris Motik (University of Manchester)
  4. Bijan Parsia (Clark & Parsia)
  5. Riccardo Rosati (Universita' di Roma La Sapienza)
  6. Suzette Stoutenburg (MITRE Corporation)
Questions/topics Please feel free to suggest additional topics of interest and/or questions that you would like added to the list.

Panel 2: What is needed in Industry: new extensions, editors, tools … ?

Moderator: John Goodwin

  1. Henson Graves (Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company)
  2. Ralf Moeller (Racer Systems GmbH & Co. KG)
  3. Anne Monceaux (EADS)
  4. François-Paul Servant (Renault)
  5. Walter Waterfeld (Software AG)
  6. Patrick West (High Altitude Observatory)
Questions/topics: Please feel free to suggest additional topics of interest and/or questions that you would like added to the list.

Panel 3: Life Sciences: Lessons, Formats, Future Developments?

Moderator: Christine Golbreich

  1. William Bug (BIRNLex)
  2. Michel Dumontier (Department of Biology, Carleton University)
  3. Chris Mungall (Gene Ontology)
  4. Alan Rector (GALEN)
  5. Kent Spackman (SNOMED)
  6. Holger Stenzhorn (BioTop, Aneurist and ACGT)