

Current Members

The OWLED Steering Committee is responsible for carrying out policy determined at the OWLED business meetings and otherwise assisting the organizers of the OWLED workshops. Its current members are

Melanie Courtot BCCRC elected 2008-2011, general chair 2011-2014
Michel Dumontier Stanford University (USA) elected 2008-2011, 2011-2014
Matthew Horridge Stanford University (USA) general chair 2012-2015
Pavel Klinov University of Ulm (Germany) elected 2012-2015
Simon Jupp European Bioinformatics Institute (UK) elected 2013-2016
Mariano Rodriguez-Muro Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Italy) general chair 2013-2016

Steering Committee Mailing List

There exists a moderated mailing-list for the discussions by the steering committee. Requests and comments to the committee should be sent to this list, whose address is owled-steering@googlegroups.com Mail sent to the above address will be distributed to all members of the steering committee.

Former Members

Ulrike Sattler University of Manchester (UK) elected 2010-2013
Michael Schneider FZI Research Center for Information Technology (Germany) elected 2010-2013
Kendall Clark Clark&Parsia general chair 2009-2012, general chair 2010-2013
Rinke Hoekstra Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam elected 2009-2012
Alan Ruttenberg University at Buffalo and Creative Commons (USA) general chair 2008-2011
Bernardo Cuenca Grau University of Manchester legacy 2007-2008
Bijan Parsia University of Manchester general chair 2007-2008
Pascal Hitzler AIFB, University of Karlsruhe legacy 2007-2009
Ian Horrocks University of Oxford legacy 2007-2009
Peter Patel-Schneider Bell Labs Research legacy 2007-2010
John Goodwin Ordnance Survey elected 2007-2010

Membership Policy

The steering committee is currently formed according to the following policy:

  1. The steering committee consists of six or more people.
  2. Membership in the steering committee expires after three years.
  3. The general chairs of OWLED workshops automatically become members of the steering committee for three years, starting from the year when the workshop takes place. If they have been members of the steering committee in the year before the workshop, then their term is extended by three years, starting from the year of the workshop.
  4. Normally, one new member is elected annually at the OWLED Workshop business meeting (using the two-round system). In case the general chair of the workshop is already a member of the steering committee (see 3. above), a second new member is elected.
  5. The steering committee may appoint new members of the steering committee, for example to fill a vacancy or to add a representative from a particular group.
The procedure is been altered as follows to start the process:
  1. In 2008, the 2008 general chair joined and two members were elected, while one of the legacy members from 2007 dropped out. Bijan Parsia dropped out to leave room for the second elected member.
  2. In 2009, the 2009 general chair plus one other person will join, while two of the remaining legacy members from 2007 drop out (voluntarily or by a random draw).
  3. In 2010, the 2010 general chair plus one other person will join, while the final legacy member from 2007 drops out.

OWLED Business Sessions Minutes

OWLED 2008

OWLED Steering Committee: The scheduled changes for the steering committee were that Bernardo Cuena Grau drops off, Alan Ruttenberg joins, and we elect one new member. Two members were nominated for election, Michel Dumontier and Melanie Courtot. Bijan Parsia volunteered to drop out to allow both of them to join, which was accepted with no dissension.

OWLED 2009: It was decided that OWLED 2009 will be held adjacent to ISWC 2009 in late October in the Washington, DC, USA, area. OWLED 2009 will probably be held in the offices of Clark&Parsia, in downtown Washington, DC. OWLED 2009 will not overlap both tutorial/workshop days of ISWC 2009 and will not overlap RR 2009. Potential attendees are encouraged to look for hotel bargains.

Community activities: There was interest in Description Graphs at the "breakout" session. A wiki page will be set up in the OWLED Wiki, initialized with information from the session. The community will update this page to come up with a design for an addition to OWL.
There will be a pointer to the Wiki from the main OWLED pages. The Wiki may merge with the larger Semantic Web wiki. Community members were reminded that the OWLED Wiki is their wiki; if they don't make changes the wiki will die.

OWLED 2009

OWLED Steering Committee: The scheduled changes for the steering committee were that two legacy members were to drop off, the general chair for OWLED 2009 was to be added, and one new member elected. As Peter Patel-Schneider was the general chair for OWLED 2009, the steering committee decided to give this spot to Kendall Clarke, a general chair for OWLED 2008DC. Pascal Hitzler and Ian Horrocks dropped off. Rinke Hoekstra was selected by acclamation.

OWLED 2010: There was considerable discussion on where to have OWLED 2010, as ISWC 2010 will be in China. There was support for having OWLED with SemTech (San Francisco, June), or RR 2010 (Bressanone, Sept), or European SemTech (Vienna, Dec). Peter Patel-Schneider volunteered to start work on seeing whether having OWLED with SemTech would be viable.

Community activities: There was interest in having a community tutorial for OWL, perhaps for presentation at SemTech.

OWLED 2010

OWLED Steering Committee: The scheduled changes for the steering committee were that the final legacy member was to drop off along with John Goodwin. As Kedall Clark was the general chair for OWLED 2010, the are two members to add back in. These two members will be selected by email and other means.

OWLED 2011: There possibility of having another event at SemTech 2011 was discussed. If someone steps forward to organize an OWL-related event at SemTech 2011, there will be support from the steering committee. The next OWLED will likely be at ISWC 2011, which will be held in Koblenz, Germany in late October or early November 2011.

OWL API: There was considerable support in finding out the ongoing status of the OWL API and providing sustainable support for it. Kendall Clark and Alan Ruttenberg will find out what the options are.

OWLED 2011

OWLED Steering Committee: Alan Ruttenberg reached the end of his term as steering committee member. Melanie Courtot was general chair for 2011, and her mandate was extended for 3 years. It was decided that Michel Dumontier should be renewed as well.

OWLED 2011: It was suggested to hold the next OWLED in Europe after 2 years in the US, and possibly colocate with an academic conference.

OWLED 2012

OWLED Steering Committee: Rinke Hoekstra reached the end of his term as a steering committee member. Matthew Horridge was the general chair for 2012. Pavel Klinov was elected for 2012-2015.

OWLED 2013

OWLED Steering Committee: Kendall Clark, Uli Sattler, and Michael Schneider step down at the end of the year. Simon Jupp joins as a program chair of OWLED 2013. Mariano Rodriguez-Muro was general chair for 2013.

This page currently maintained by Melanie Courtot and Pavel Klinov