Copyright © 2006-2007 by the Authors. This document is available under the W3C Document License. See the W3C Intellectual Rights Notice and Legal Disclaimers for additional information.
OWL 1.1 extends the W3C OWL Web Ontology Language with a small but useful set of features that have been requested by users, for which effective reasoning algorithms are now available, and that OWL tool developers are willing to support. The new features include extra syntactic sugar, additional property and qualified cardinality constructors, extended datatype support, simple metamodelling, and extended annotations. This document provides a specification of different families of sub-languages of OWL 1.1, for which the main reasoning problems can be decided in polynomial time. This document is intended to serve as a useful guideline for developers and users.
This is an editor's draft, for comment by the OWL community.
This document is an evolution of the OWL 1.1 Web Ontology Language: Tractable Fragments document that forms part of the OWL 1.1 Web Ontology Language W3C Member Submission. Comments are welcome. Please send feedback to, which has a public archive. Bug reports can be directed there. Please check the issues list first.
This document provides a specification of a set of prominent logics that:
The list provided in this document is not meant to be exhaustive.
The described logics have been recently identified by various groups of researchers. The interest of these logics to the OWL community relies on their nice scalability properties for certain reasoning tasks of special interest for Semantic Web applications. The goal of this document is to present these logics as sub-langages of OWL 1.1 and to describe their computational properties. Their semantics is provided directly by the semantics of OWL 1.1 [OWL 1.1 Semantics].
In this document, the parts of the language with no effect on the semantics, such as annotations, will be omitted for simplicity. The parts of the OWL 1.1 specification concerning datatypes have also been omitted, since the tractability results depend on the ability to reason within the datatype theory in polynomial time. In the case of the logic EL++ it has been shown that, if the datatype theory under consideration is decidable in polynomial time and is convex (see [EL++] for details), then the combined complexity of the relevant reasoning problems remains polynomial. For the other logics presented in this document no explicit complexity results seem to be available.
OWL 1.1 supports a rich set of axioms for stating facts. All the languages presented in this document place some restrictions in the kind of OWL 1.1 facts that can be used. The grammar used in this document for facts is as follows:
classAssertion := 'ClassAssertion' '(' individualURI description ')
sourceIndividualURI := individualURI
targetIndividualURI := individualURI
objectPropertyAssertion := 'ObjectPropertyAssertion' '(' objectPropertyExpression sourceIndividualURI targetIndividualURI ')'
The definition of the non-terminal symbols objectPropertyExpression and description is different in each of the particular languages specified in this document.
The following production integrates all types of facts:
fact := classAssertion | objectPropertyAssertion
The EL++ logic [EL++] eliminates the allValuesFrom restriction, retaining someValuesFrom, in order to obtain tractability. There are applications where allValues restrictions are not needed, and where the expressive power provided by EL++ seems sufficient. In particular, the medical ontology SNOMED and the Gene Ontology employ EL++. Large parts of the GALEN ontology can also be expressed in EL++. More details on EL++ can be found in [EL++].
EL++ provides the following main features:
The following features of OWL 1.1 are known to cause intractability, when added to EL++:
The language EL++, as presented here, is not a fragment of OWL DL, since it provides complex inclusion axioms on Object Properties. The fragment of EL++ that does not provide these axioms is indeed a fragment of OWL DL. EL++, as presented in this document, is slightly more restrictive than the language defined in [EL++]; in particular, this document enforces the regularity condition on complex property inclusion axioms required in OWL 1.1. With this restriction, EL++ is a fragment of OWL 1.1.
In what follows, a full specification of EL++ is provided.
objectPropertyExpression := objectPropertyURI
objectIntersectionOf := 'ObjectIntersectionOf' '(' description description { description } ')'
objectOneOf := 'ObjectOneOf' '(' individualURI ')'
objectSomeValuesFrom := 'ObjectSomeValuesFrom' '(' objectPropertyExpression description ')'
objectHasValue := 'ObjectHasValue' '(' objectPropertyExpression individualURI ')'
description := objectIntersectionOf | objectOneOf | objectSomeValuesFrom | objectHasValue
subClass := description
superClass := description
subClassOf := 'SubClassOf' '(' subClass superClass ')'
equivalentClasses := 'EquivalentClasses' '(' description description { description } ')'
disjointClasses := 'DisjointClasses' '(' description description { description } ')'
classAxiom := subClassOf | equivalentClasses | disjointClasses
subObjectPropertyExpression := objectPropertyExpression | 'SubObjectPropertyChain' '(' objectPropertyExpression objectPropertyExpression`)' { objectPropertyExpression }
subObjectPropertyOf := 'SubObjectPropertyOf' '(' subObjectPropertyExpression objectPropertyExpression ')'
equivalentObjectProperties := 'EquivalentObjectProperties' '(' objectPropertyExpression objectPropertyExpression { objectPropertyExpression } ')'
objectPropertyDomain := 'ObjectPropertyDomain' '(' objectPropertyExpression description ')'
objectPropertyRange := 'ObjectPropertyRange' '(' objectPropertyExpression description ')'
transitiveObjectProperty := 'TransitiveObjectProperty' '(' objectPropertyExpression ')'
objectPropertyAxiom :=
equivalentObjectProperties | subObjectPropertyOf |
objectPropertyDomain | objectPropertyRange |
DL-Lite is a fragment of OWL DL especially tailored for handling efficiently large number of facts [DL-Lite]. The main focus is to provide efficient query answering on the data and to allow the use of Relational Database Managment technologies for such a purpose.
DL-Lite also includes most of the main features of conceptual models, like UML class diagrams and ER diagrams. More specifically, DL-Lite includes the following features of OWL DL:
The language DL-Lite, as presented here, is indeed a fragment of both OWL 1.1. and OWL DL. There are different variants of DL-Lite that have been described in the literature. The variant provided here is called DL-LiteR since it allows for property inclusion axioms. Other variants trade property inclusion axioms for functionality and inverse-functionality of object properties.
inverseObjectProperty := 'InverseObjectProperty' '(' objectPropertyExpression ')'
objectPropertyExpression := objectPropertyURI | inverseObjectProperty
owlClassURIRestricted := Any owlClassURI except for owl:Thing and owl:Nothing
description := owlClassURI
subClass := owlClassURIRestricted | 'ObjectSomeValuesFrom' '(' objectPropertyExpression owl:Thing ')'
superClass := subClass | `ObjectComplementOf' '(' subClass ')'
subClassOf := 'SubClassOf' '(' subClass superClass ')'
equivalentClasses := 'EquivalentClasses' '(' subClass subClass { subClass } ')'
disjointClasses := 'DisjointClasses' '(' subClass subClass { subClass } ')'
classAxiom := subClassOf | equivalentClasses | disjointClasses
subObjectPropertyExpression := objectPropertyExpression
subObjectPropertyOf := 'SubObjectPropertyOf' '(' subObjectPropertyExpression objectPropertyExpression ')'
equivalentObjectProperties := 'EquivalentObjectProperties' '(' objectPropertyExpression objectPropertyExpression { objectPropertyExpression } ')'
objectPropertyDomain := 'ObjectPropertyDomain' '(' objectPropertyExpression description ')'
objectPropertyRange := 'ObjectPropertyRange' '(' objectPropertyExpression description ')'
objectPropertyAxiom := objectPropertyDomain | objectPropertyRange | subObjectPropertyOf
Description Logic Programs [DLP] is a subset of both OWL DL and the Horn fragment of First Order Logic (with equality). In fact, the standard translation of DLP axioms to First Order Logic, as presented here, results into Horn clauses. Since DLP can be considered as a fragment of Horn logic, there is a connection, at least syntactic, with Logic Programs. However, it should be understood that; the logical consequences that an OWL 1.1 reasoner would draw from a DLP ontology differs from the ones that would be obtained using an LP engine. Typically, LP reasoners adopt the closed world assumption and are, consequently, non-monotonic. OWL 1.1, however, is monotonic and adopts the open-world assumption. DLP, as presented in this document, adopts the semantics of OWL 1.1 and not the semantics of LP.
DLP is able to express the following features of OWL DL:
inverseObjectProperty := 'InverseObjectProperty' '(' objectPropertyExpression ')'
objectPropertyExpression := objectPropertyURI | inverseObjectProperty
description := owlClassURI
owlClassURIRestricted := Any owlClassURI except for owl:Thing and owl:Nothing
subClass := descriptionLeft | 'ObjectIntersectionOf' '(' descriptionLeft descriptionLeft { descriptionLeft } ')'
descriptionLeft := 'ObjectSomeValuesFrom' '(' objectPropertyURI descriptionLeft ')' | owlClassURI | 'ObjectOneOf' '(' { individualURI} ')'
superClass := 'ObjectAllValuesFrom' '(' objectPropertyURI superClass')' | owlClassURIRestricted | 'owl:Thing'
subClassOf := 'SubClassOf' '(' subClass superClass ')'
equivalentClasses := 'EquivalentClasses' '(' description description { description } ')'
disjointClasses := 'DisjointClasses' '(' owlClassURIRestricted owlClassURIRestricted { owlClassURIRestricted } ')'
classAxiom := subClassOf | disjointClasses
subObjectPropertyExpression := objectPropertyExpression
subObjectPropertyOf := 'SubObjectPropertyOf' '(' subObjectPropertyExpression objectPropertyExpression ')'
equivalentObjectProperties := 'EquivalentObjectProperties' '(' objectPropertyExpression objectPropertyExpression { objectPropertyExpression } ')'
objectPropertyDomain := 'ObjectPropertyDomain' '(' objectPropertyExpression description ')'
objectPropertyRange := 'ObjectPropertyRange' '(' objectPropertyExpression description ')'
transitiveObjectProperty := 'TransitiveObjectProperty' '(' objectPropertyExpression ')'
functionalObjectProperty := 'FunctionalObjectProperty' '(' objectPropertyExpression ')'
inverseFunctionalObjectProperty := 'InverseFunctionalObjectProperty' '(' objectPropertyExpression ')'
symmetricObjectProperty := 'SymmetricObjectProperty' '(' objectPropertyExpression ')'
objectPropertyAxiom :=
equivalentObjectProperties | subObjectPropertyOf |
objectPropertyDomain | objectPropertyRange |
transitiveObjectProperty | functionalObjectProperty | inverseFunctionalObjectProperty | symmetricObjectProperty
[Horn-SHIQ] is a fragment of both Horn Logic and the Description Logic SHIQ. It is thus similar in spirit to DLP, although it is a different fragment of the intersection between OWL 1.1 and Horn Logic.
The Horn-SHIQ language is not a fragment of OWL DL, since it allows qualified cardinality restrictions. For simplicity and ease of presentation, the definition provided here of the language is slightly more restrictive than the one proposed in [Horn-SHIQ].
Horn-SHIQ provides the following expressivity of OWL 1.1:
inverseObjectProperty := 'InverseObjectProperty' '(' objectPropertyExpression ')'
objectPropertyExpression := objectPropertyURI | inverseObjectProperty
owlClassURIRestricted := Any owlClassURI except for owl:Thing and owl:Nothing
description := owlClassURI
subClass :=
'ObjectIntersectionOf' '(' subClass subClass { subClass } ')' |
'ObjectSomeValuesFrom' '(' objectPropertyExpression owlClassURIRestricted ')' |
superClass :=
'ObjectAllValuesFrom' '(' objectPropertyExpression owlClassURIRestricted ')' |
'ObjectSomeValuesFrom' '(' objectPropertyExpression |
owlClassURIRestricted |
'owl:Nothing' |
'ObjectMinCardinality' '(' cardinality objectPropertyExpression [ owlClassURIRestricted] ')' |
ObjectMaxCardinality' '(' cardinality objectPropertyExpression ')'
subClassOf := 'SubClassOf' '(' subClass superClass ')'
disjointClasses := 'DisjointClasses' '(' owlClassURI owlClassURIRestricted { owlClassURIRestricted } ')'
classAxiom := subClassOf | disjointClasses
subObjectPropertyExpression := objectPropertyExpression
subObjectPropertyOf := 'SubObjectPropertyOf' '(' subObjectPropertyExpression objectPropertyExpression ')'
equivalentObjectProperties := 'EquivalentObjectProperties' '(' objectPropertyExpression objectPropertyExpression { objectPropertyExpression } ')'
objectPropertyDomain := 'ObjectPropertyDomain' '(' objectPropertyExpression description ')'
objectPropertyRange := 'ObjectPropertyRange' '(' objectPropertyExpression description ')'
functionalObjectProperty := 'FunctionalObjectProperty' '(' objectPropertyExpression ')'
inverseFunctionalObjectProperty := 'InverseFunctionalObjectProperty' '(' objectPropertyExpression ')'
symmetricObjectProperty := 'SymmetricObjectProperty' '(' objectPropertyExpression ')'
objectPropertyAxiom :=
equivalentObjectProperties | subObjectPropertyOf |
objectPropertyDomain | objectPropertyRange |
functionalObjectProperty | inverseFunctionalObjectProperty | symmetricObjectProperty
RDF Schema allows the construction of RDF graphs that are not permitted in OWL 1.1. This section describes the language given by the set of all RDF Schema ontologies that are syntactically correct OWL 1.1 ontologies.The language provides the following features:
The language does not allow complex class descriptions.
objectPropertyExpression := objectPropertyURI
owlClassURIRestricted := Any owlClassURI except for owl:Thing and owl:Nothing
description := owlClassURI
subClass := owlClassURIRestricted
superClass := owlClassURIRestricted
subClassOf := 'SubClassOf' '(' subClass superClass ')'
equivalentClasses := 'EquivalentClasses' '(' description description { description } ')'
classAxiom := subClassOf | equivalentClasses
subObjectPropertyExpression := objectPropertyExpression
subObjectPropertyOf := 'SubObjectPropertyOf' '(' subObjectPropertyExpression objectPropertyExpression ')'
equivalentObjectProperties := 'EquivalentObjectProperties' '(' objectPropertyExpression objectPropertyExpression { objectPropertyExpression } ')'
objectPropertyDomain := 'ObjectPropertyDomain' '(' objectPropertyExpression description ')'
objectPropertyRange := 'ObjectPropertyRange' '(' objectPropertyExpression description ')'
objectPropertyAxiom :=
equivalentObjectProperties | subObjectPropertyOf |
objectPropertyDomain | objectPropertyRange
This section describes the computational complexity of the most relevant reasoning problems in the languages introduced so far. The reasoning problems considered here are the following:
Note that in languages that are propositionally closed (i.e. that provide, either implicitly or explicitly, conjunction, union and negation of class descriptions), such as OWL DL, OWL Lite and OWL 1.1, the problems of ontology consistency, concept satisfiability, concept subsumption and instance checking can be reduced to each other in polynomial time. However, none of the languages described in this document is propositionally closed and thus these reasoning problems may have different complexity and require diferent algorithmic solutions.
When evaluating the complexity, the following parameters will be considered:
Table 1 summarizes the known complexity results for OWL DL, OWL Lite, DL-Lite, EL++, DLP, Horn-SHIQ and RDF Schema. Whenever the complexity for a given problem is described as Open, with a star, (*), it is meant that its decidability is still an open question; if the star (*) is omitted, then the problem is known to be decidable but precise complexity bounds have not yet been established. If a problem is labeled as trivial, it is meant that the language is not expressive enough for allowing to different possible answers to the problem, e.g. every RDF Schema ontology is known to be consistent.
Language | Reasoning Problems | Taxonomic Complexity | Data Complexity | Query Complexity | Combined Complexity |
OWL DL | Ontology Consistency, Concept Satisfiability, Concept Subsumption, Instance Checking |
NEXPTIME-complete | Open (NP-Hard) |
Not Applicable | NEXPTIME-complete |
Conjunctive Query Answering | Open* | Open* | Open* | Open* | |
OWL Lite | Ontology Consistency, Concept Satisfiability | EXPTIME-complete | NP-complete | Not Applicable | EXPTIME-complete |
Concept Subsumption | EXPTIME-complete | co-NP-complete | Not Applicable | EXPTIME-complete | |
Conjunctive Query Answering | EXPTIME-complete | co-NP-complete | in 2EXPTIME | in 2EXPTIME | |
Instance Checking | EXPTIME-complete | co-NP-complete | Not Applicable | EXPTIME-complete | |
EL++ | Ontology Consistency, Concept Satisfiability, Concept Subsumption, Instance Checking |
PTIME-complete | PTIME-complete | Not Applicable | PTIME-complete |
Conjunctive Query Answering | Open | PTIME-hard | Open | Open | |
DL-Lite | Ontology Consistency, Concept Satisfiability, Concept Subsumption, Instance Checking, |
In PTIME | In LOGSPACE | Not Applicable | In PTIME |
Conjunctive Query Answering | In PTIME | In LOGSPACE | NP-complete | NP-complete | |
DLP | Ontology Consistency, Concept Satisfiability, Concept Subsumption, Instance Checking |
In EXPTIME | PTIME-complete | Not Applicable | In EXPTIME |
Conjunctive Query Answering | In EXPTIME | PTIME-complete | In EXPTIME | In EXPTIME | |
Horn-SHIQ | Ontology Consistency, Concept Satisfiability, Concept Subsumption, Instance Checking |
EXPTIME-complete | PTIME-complete | Not Applicable | EXPTIME-complete |
Conjunctive Query Answering | Open | Open | Open | Open | |
RDF Schema | Ontology Consistency, Concept Satisfiability | Trivial | Trivial | Not Applicable | Trivial |
Concept Subsumption, Instance Checking | In PTIME | In LOGSPACE | Not Applicable | In PTIME | |
Conjunctive Query Answering | In PTIME | In LOGSPACE | Open | Open |
The fact that data complexity stays LOGSPACE, means that one can exploit relational database technology for instance checking and conjunctive query answering.The fact that data complexity goes beyond LOGSPACE means that query answering and instance checking require more powerful engines than the ones provided by relational database technologies. PTIME-hardness essentially requires Datalog technologies. For the CoNP cases, Disjunctive Datalog technologies could be adopted.
Figure 1 shows the relationship between the different languages mentioned in this document, including OWL DL, OWL 1.1 and OWL Lite. Two languages L1, L2 are connected by an arrow L1-->L2 if L1 is polynomially reducible to L2. The reader should note that in most of the cases the reduction is trivial, since L1 is just a syntactic fragment of L2 and thus every syntactically valid ontology written in L1 is also valid in L2. However,if L2 is OWL Lite, the reduction requires some work, since some of the constructs available in DL-Lite or DLP are not explicitly provided by OWL Lite. The reader should note that the absence of an arrow does not indicate that there is no reduction, not even that there is no easy one.
Figure 1. Relationship between the fragments of OWL 1.1