Mailing list
Subscribe to the new working mailing list for discussing new extensions to OWL.
Overview:The W3C OWL Web Ontology Language has now been a W3C recommendation for more than one year. OWL is playing an important role in an increasing number and range of applications, and is the focus of research into tools, reasoning techniques, formal foundations, language extensions etc. This level of experience with OWL means that the community is now in a good position to discuss how OWL be applied, adapted and extended to fulfil current and future application demands.
The aim of the workshop is to establish a forum for practitioners in industry and academia, tool developers and others interested in OWL to describe real and potential applications, to share experience and to discuss requirements for language extensions/modifications. The workshop will bring users, implementors and researchers together to measure the state of need against the state of the art, and to set an agenda for research and deployment in order to incorporate OWL-based technologies into new applications.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:
- Applications of and experience with OWL - Application-driven requirements for OWL - Extensions to OWL, including - non-monotonic extensions - rules extensions - extensions for representing temporal and spatial information - extended property constructors - keys - extended class constructors - extended datatype constructors - probabilistic and fuzzy Extensions - Implementation techniques for OWL and related languages - Reasoning-related tasks for OWL, including explanation - Security and Trust for OWL-based information - Tools for OWL, including - editors - visualisation tools - parsers and syntax checkers - versioning frameworks - OWL based Semantic Web Service frameworks
Submissions can be either technical papers or short "position" papers. Submissions that base their conclusions on application experience are especially encouraged. The Workshop will be collocated with the 2005 RuleML Workshop