Reviewing and Participation:
All submissions will be reviewed by the workshop committee. Decisions on the acceptance of papers will be communicated to authors no later than 12 September 2005. Authors of accepted papers plus programme committee members will be invited to participate in the workshop. Authors who need invitations before this date should send a message to the workshop committee at owl-ws-organizers@mindswap.org indicating why they need an advance invitation and provide their qualifications to receive an invitation. Applications from other interested parties will be considered after submission-based invitations have been extended, but numbers will be strictly limited.
Registration for the workshop is open to interested parties. To register, go to
There you can register for the OWL workshop or the workshop and the RuleML meeting. Participants are welcome to submit a two-page statement of interest (in PDF LLNCS format) by emailing it as an attachment to owl-ws-organizers@mindswap.org These statements will be made available on the workshop web site.