Suzette Stoutenburg, Leo Obrst and Deborah Nichols. Ontologies
in OWL for Rapid Enterprise Integration |
Henson Graves. Ontology
Engineering For Product Development |
Cuenca Grau, Ian Horrocks, Yevgeny
Kazakov and Ulrike Sattler. Extracting Modules
from Ontologies: A
Logic-based Approach |
Franz Baader, Bernhard Ganter, Ulrike Sattler and Baris
Sertkaya. Completing
Description Logic Knowledge
Bases using Formal Concept Analysis |
Jose Vieira and Arianna Ciula. Implementing
an RDF/OWL Ontology on Henry the III Fine Rolls |
Gustafsson and Göran
Falkman. Experiences
in Modeling Clinical
Examinations in Oral Medicine Using OWL |
Rolf Grütter and Bettina Bauer-Messmer. Combining
OWL with RCC for Spatioterminological Reasoning on Environmental Data |
Motik, Ian
Horrocks and Ulrike Sattler. Adding Integrity
Constraints to OWL |
Calvanese and Mariano Rodriguez. An Extension of
DIG 2.0 for Handling Bulk Data |
Raul Garcia-Castro<,
Gómez-Pérez and Jesus Prieto-Gonzalez. IBSE: An OWL
Interoperability Evaluation Infrastructure |
Timo Weithöner, Thorsten Liebig, Marko Luther and
Sebastian Böhm. DIG 2.0 Reference Middleware |
Giorgos Stoilos and Giorgos Stamou. Extending
Fuzzy Description Logics for the Semantic Web |
Alessandra Lisi. Reasoning with OWL-DL in
Inductive Logic Programming |
Michael Smith, Andrew Schain, Kendall Clark, Arlen Griffey
and Vladimir Kolovski. Mother, May I? OWL-based
Policy Management at NASA |
Kent Spackman. An Examination of OWL and
the Requirements of a Large Health Care Terminology |
Brian Lowe, Brian Caruso and Jon Corson-Rikert. VIVO Development
Roadmap: Enhancing an Ontology-Based
University Research Portal with OWL and Rules |
Rob Shearer. Structured Ontology Format |
Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo,
Lembo, Maurizio Lenzerini
and Riccardo
Rosati. Can OWL
model football leagues? |
C. Maria Keet,
Roos and M. Scott Marshall. A survey of
requirements for automated reasoning services
for bio-ontologies in OWL |
Kaljurand and Norbert Fuchs. Verbalizing OWL
in Attempto Controlled English |
Evren Sirin and Bijan Parsia. SPARQL-DL:
SPARQL Query for OWL-DL |
Michael Wessel
and Ralf Möller.
Principles and Realization Techniques
for User Friendly,
Interactive, and Scalable Ontology Browsing and Inspection
Tools |
Christine Golbreich
and Ian
Horrocks. The
OBO to OWL mapping, GO to OWL 1.1! |
François-Paul Servant. Semantic Web
Technologies in Technical Automotive Documentation |
Atila Kaya, Ralf
Moeller, Alissa Kaplunova
and Tobias Berger. Towards a Scalable and Efficient
Middleware for Instance Retrieval Inference Services |
Horridge, Sean
Bechhofer and Olaf Noppens. Igniting
the OWL 1.1
Touch Paper: The OWL API |
Edward Thomas, Jeff Z. Pan and Derek
Searching Ontologies
Semantically |
Natalia Villanueva-Rosales and Michel Dumontier. Describing
chemical functional groups in OWL-DL for the classification of chemical
compounds |
Zhen Liu, Anand Ranganathan and Anton Riabov. Use of OWL for
describing Stream Processing Components to
enable Automatic Composition |
Deborah McGuinness
and Peter Fox. Current and
future uses of OWL for scientific data
frameworks: successes and limitations |
Mungall. Representing
Phenotypes in OWL |
Lisa Fong, Stephen Larson, Amarnath Gupta, Christopher
Condit, William Bug, Li Chen, Ruth West, Stephan Lamont, Masako Terada
and Maryann Martone.
Ontology-Driven Knowledge Environment For
Subcellular Neuroanatomy |
Stephen Larson and Maryann Martone. Rule-Based
Reasoning With A Multi-Scale Neuroanatomical Ontology |
F.M. Lesaffre. A business case of the use
of ontologies for knowledge capitalization and exploitation |
Pierre Mariot,
Jean-Pierre Cotton, Christine Golbreich,
Alain Berger
and François
Vexler. Querying
multiple sources with OWL
ontologies: an exploratory study in an automotive company |
Caterina Caracciolo and Margherita Sini. Requirements
for the treatment of multilinguality in ontologies at FAO |