Sunday October 26th
Room: Johann Peter-Hebel-Saal
Download Final Program Slides
9:00 Welcome and Opening remarks
9:15 Session 1:
10:30 Break with Posters
11:00 Session 2: Quantities and Infrastructure
- Quantities in OWL. Bijan Parsia and Michael Smith
- OWLlink: DIG for OWL 2. Thorsten Liebig, Marko Luther, Olaf Noppens, Mariano Rodriguez, Diego Calvanese, Michael Wessel, Matthew Horridge, Sean Bechhofer, Dmitry Tsarkov and Evren Sirin.
- InfixOWL: An Idiomatic Interface for OWL. Chimezie Ogbuji.
- The SWRLAPI: A Development Environment for Working with SWRL Rules. Martin O'Connor, Ravi Shankar, Mark Musen, Amar Das and Csongor I Nyulas.
- Augmenting the Expressivity of the Ontology Pre-Processor Language. Luigi Iannone, Mikel Egaña, Alan Rector and Robert Stevens.
- Calculations in OWL. Luigi Iannone and Alan Rector.
- Annotated Literals for Standard Units of Measurement. Ryan Blace and Andrew Perez-Lopez.
12:30 Lunch with Posters
13:30 Session 3: User Experience
15:00 Break with Posters
15:30 Session 4: Breakouts and task forces
17:00 End of day 1
19:00 Social dinner
Monday October 27th
10:30 Break with Posters
11:00 Session 6: OWL Tools
12:30 Lunch with Posters/Demos
13:30 Session 7: OWL Extensions
- The OWL in the CASL - Designing Ontologies Across Logics. Oliver Kutz, Dominik Luecke, Till Mossakowski and Immanuel Normann.
- Owlgres: A Scalable OWL Reasoner. Markus Stocker and Michael Smith.
- Modeling ontologies using OWL, Description Graphs, and Rules. Boris Motik, Bernardo Cuenca Grau, Ian Horrocks, and Ulrike Sattler
- SKOS with OWL: Don't be Full-ish! Simon Jupp, Sean Bechhofer and Robert Stevens.
- Characterizing and Detecting Integrity Issues in OWL Instance Data. Jiao Tao, Li Ding, Jie Bao and Deborah McGuinness.
- A Call for an Abductive Reasoning Feature in OWL-Reasoning Tools toward Ontology Quality Control. Michael Bada, Chris Mungall, and Lawrence Hunter
15:00 Break with Posters
15:30 Session 8: Panel Discussion: How Might OWL Fail?
Panelists: Nick Drummond, Michel Dumontier, Tom Heath, Carsten Lutz
Moderator: Sean Bechhofer
The successful uptake of particular technologies depends on a number of factors: technical, social and political. The purpose of this panel will be to explore factors that may prove a barrier to the wide-spread usage (and thus success) of OWL with an emphasis on those of a non-technical nature.
Panelists will provide an initial 3-minute position statement (no slides), which should include discussion of the following questions:
What single thing should the OWL community stop doing as it is a barrier to adoption
What single thing should the OWL community start doing in order to foster adoption?
Playing the role of an evil mastermind, if you really wanted to derail OWL's progress and success, what would you do?
Following the opening statements, there will be a brief round of responses from the panelists (1 minute each). The meeting will then be opened to the floor.
In the final 5 minutes, the panelists will be given the opportunity to sum up their positions in the light of the discussions and hopefully provide insight into why OWL will not fail
17:00 Session 9: Planning session: the future of OWLED
17:30 End of day 2
