OWL: Experiences and Directions 2012

9th OWL: Experiences and Directions Workshop (OWLED 2012)
Heraklion, Crete, 27th-28th May, 2012

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We're excited to announce the technical program of OWLED 2012! Notice that the program is packed so some coffee breaks may be 5-10 mins shorter than usual. We hope that 20-25 mins breaks are still OK but you'll also get a chance to hear about more OWL stuff than usual!

Sunday, May 27th

9:00-9:15: Welcome introduction (Matthew Horridge and Pavel Klinov)

9:15-10:15: Invited talk (Markus Krötzsch): Small OWLs at Large! But Where are They Going?

Lightweight ontology languages have gained significant practical importance in recent years. The standardisation of the OWL 2 Profiles EL, RL, and QL has inspired the development of a variety of new reasoners. Formerly problematic ontologies can now be classified within seconds, and RDF databases support OWL reasoning with "Web-scale" data. As the feature coverage of lightweight reasoners improves, practitioners can take advantage of more and more OWL even on large scales. However, in spite of these advances, OWL is far from being the solution to all knowledge modelling problems. Choosing between the various OWL profiles, semantics, and tools is not always easy, and many applications require expressivity that is still beyond OWL as a whole. For example, Wikidata -- the upcoming database version of Wikipedia -- already encounters the limits of OWL when trying to encode simple factual knowledge. Meanwhile, new developments in SPARQL, RDF, and even XML Schema call for updates of OWL tools, and some even see a need for OWL 3. This talk gives an overview of the OWL Profiles, presents some recent developments in lightweight OWL reasoning, and discusses the emerging challenges for tool developers and for the OWL language as a whole.

10:15-10:30:Michel Dumontier, Molecular symmetry and specialization of atomic connectivity by class-based reasoning of chemical structure PDF

10:30-11:00: Coffee break

11:00-12:35: Section IA, chaired by Bijan Parsia

11:00-11:25: Dmitry Tsarkov and Ignazio Palmisano, Divide et Impera: Metareasoning for Large Ontologies PDF

11:25-11:50: Pavel Klinov, Chiara Del Vescovo, and Thomas Schneider, Incrementally Updateable and Persistent Decomposition of OWL Ontologies PDF

11:50-12:05: Daniel Elenius, SWRL-IQ: A Prolog-based Query Tool for OWL and SWRL PDF

12:05-12:20: Mariano Rodriguez-Muro and Diego Calvanese, Quest, an OWL 2 QL reasoner for ontology-based data access PDF

12:20-12:35: Martin O'Connor and Amar Das, A Pair of OWL 2 RL Reasoners PDF

12:35-14:00: Lunch break

14:00-15:30: Tutorial: Introduction to Modularity for OWL Ontologies by Chiara Del Vescovo and Dmitry Tsarkov
This tutorial aims to give a taste of module-based ontology management. First, we introduce the concept of module along with various essential properties of modules. Then, we explore modularity in the context of ontology reuse. Moreover, we guide the participants through the use of tools to support modular ontology development. Finally, we briefly discuss other applications of modularity to ontology engineering.

15:30-16:00: Coffee break

16:00-17:35: Section IB, chaired by Michel Dumontier

16:00-16:25: Tahani Alsubait, Bijan Parsia and Uli Sattler, Mining Ontologies for Analogy Questions: A Similarity-based Approach PDF

16:25-16:50: Ronell Alberts, Thomas Fogwill and Maria Keet, Several Required OWL Features for Indigenous Knowledge Management Systems PDF

16:50-17:05: Jorge Gomes, Nuno Montenegro, Paulo Urbano and José Duarte, A Land Use Identification and Visualization Tool Driven by OWL Ontologies PDF

17:05-17:20: Arnab Sinha and Paul Couderc, Using OWL Ontologies for Selective Waste Sorting and Recycling PDF

17:20-17:35: Berkan Sesen, Rene Banares-Alcantara, John Fox, Timor Kadir and J Michael Brady, Lung Cancer Assistant: an ontology-driven, online decision support prototype PDF

Monday, May 28th

9:00-10:3: Section IIA, chaired by Chiara Del Vescovo

9:00-9:25: Andreas Ecke and Anni-Yasmin Turhan, Optimizations for the role-depth bounded least common subsumer in EL+ PDF

9:25-9:50: David Carral Martínez, Adila Alfa Krisnadhi and Pascal Hitzler, Integrating OWL and Rules: A Syntax Proposal for Nominal Schemas PDF

9:50-10:15: Despoina Magka, Boris Motik and Ian Horrocks, Classifying Chemicals Using Description Graphs and Logic Programming PDF

10:15-10:30: Rafael S. Gonçalves, Bijan Parsia and Ulrike Sattler Ecco: A Hybrid Diff Tool for OWL 2 ontologies PDF

10:30-11:00: Coffee break

11:00-12:30: Tutorial: Evolution of OWL 2 QL and EL Ontologies by Bernardo Cuenca Grau, Ernesto Jimenez-Ruiz, Evgeny Kharlamov and Dmitriy Zheleznyakov
This tutorial provides a comprehensive overview of research on evolution of (OWL and RDF) ontologies. We give a high-level review of the field, and put special emphasis on (i) practically interesting issues, applications and system demos and (ii) particularly important research results, algorithms, and challenges. This tutorial does not have any specific prerequisites and should be accessible to all Semantic Web researchers and practitioners.

12:30-14:00: Lunch break

14:00-15:35: Section IIB, chaired by Despoina Magka

14:00-14:25: Nor Azlinayati Abdul Manaf, Sean Bechhofer and Robert Stevens, Common modelling slips in SKOS vocabularies PDF

14:25-14:50: Ronell Alberts and Enrico Franconi, An integrated method using conceptual modelling to generate an ontology-based query mechanism PDF

14:50-15:05: Colin Puleston and Bijan Parsia, The HOBO Hybrid Modelling Framework PDF

15:05-15:20: Olexandr Pospishnyi, GRID-DL - Semantic GRID Information Service PDF

15:20-15:35: Kārlis Čerāns, Guntis Barzdins, Renārs Liepiņš, Jūlija Ovčiņnikova, Sergejs Rikačovs and Arturs Sprogis, Graphical Schema Editing for Stardog OWL/RDF Databases using OWLGrEd/S PDF

15:35-16:00: Coffee break

16:00-17:25: Section IIC, chaired by Pavel Klinov

16:00-16:25: Eleni Mikroyannidi, Nor Azlinayati Abdul Manaf, Luigi Iannone and Robert Stevens, Analysing Syntactic Regularities in Ontologies PDF

16:25-16:40: Dmitry Mouromtsev, Development of a complex ontology of optics PDF

16:40-16:55: Alex Shkotin, Vladimir Ryakhovsky and Dmitry Kudryavtsev, Towards OWL-based Knowledge Representation in Petrology PDF

16:55-17:10: Vicky Dritsou, Elvira Mitraka, Pantelis Topalis and Christos Louis, Getting the Best from Two Worlds: Converting Between OBO and OWL Formats PDF

17:10-17:25: Nicola Vitucci, Mario Arrigoni Neri, Roberto Tedesco and Giuseppina Gini, Semanticizing syntactic patterns in NLP processing using SPARQL-DL queries PDF

17:30-17:45 A short business meeting

Statements of interest (presentation TBD)